
Supporting and empowering conversations around sex and relationships

Many people find it difficult to talk to their children about sex and relationships. Perhaps you feel like your knowledge is patchy, overwhelmed by the amount of information online, or confused by the change in language. Adult sex education can increase your confidence, knowledge, and communication skills so that you feel supported to navigate these topics at home.

Personal Consultations

Online consultations for individuals, couples, and co-parents. Whether you have a particular question or want to build general skills we will tailor your consultation to you. Our aim is to help you feel more empowered to talk about sex and relationships at home. When you book you will be asked to fill in some paperwork so that we can understand your needs and allow you to make the most of your consultation. Each session lasts for an hour and is priced at £45. Fill in the contact form to book or find out more.


These workshops are designed to be informative and reflective. This means you can learn more about a particular topic and consider what this means to you. Check out Eventbrite to see what sessions are currently available. All sessions are offered on a ‘Pay as You Feel’ basis to improve accessibility across income levels. Fill in the Contact form for more information or if you have ideas for future workshops you would like to see.

Group Courses

Join other parents and caregivers to practice communicating about sex and relationships together. Group courses meet fortnightly over four sessions in which you will practice skills, be set practical tasks, and share your experiences, challenges, and development together. Fill in the contact form for more information and to find out when our next Group Course will be running.


My child/ren have relationships and sex education at school, why should we talk about this at home?

Each of the Home Nations has different guidance for what Relationships and Sex Education schools should be provided. How this is interpreted varies between schools and young people frequently report certain topics being missed, not enough lessons and wanting content to be delivered at an earlier age (Sex Education Forum, 2022). Embedding these conversations at home means you can be sure that your child/ren has access to the information they need, somewhere to ask questions or raise concerns.

When is the right age to talk to my child/ren about X/Y/Z?

Unfortunately, there is no ‘right age’ to discuss relationships and sex. I encourage you to meet your child/ren where they are at. This means being curious toward them and offering the space to explore topics that come up for them. It can be helpful to think of these conversations like maths at school, an ongoing conversation which we build on over time. This helps to embed open discussion and allows the topics to develop as your child/ren age. During Private Consultations we can consider what you child/ren individually and what might be appropriate for them.

I don’t have children but I am interested to access some more information. Can I book?

Of course! Our focus is to improve knowledge about sex and relationships and improve communication about these topics. Lots of people do not have children of their own but want to feel competent to support the children and young people in their lives.

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